Can you get high from CBD or CBD Oil?

It is wildly known that marijuana has psychoactive properties which cause people to feel high, euphoric or relaxed.

One of the most commonly asked question about CBD is: “Does CBD oil get you high?

To answer that question it is important to remember that while both Marijuana and CBD are derivatives of the Cannabis plant, marijuana does get you “high” and CBD does not.

People have used cannabis throughout the ages for a number of reasons. Some are interested in getting “high” and smoke or consume marijuana precisely because it makes them feel happy or relaxed.  Others on the other hand are only interested in the healing properties of Cannabis and injest it because it makes them feel healthier by helping them deal with some of their specific health challenges such as pain, anxiety, insomnia and so on.

The fact that Marijuana can alter time and sensory perceptions is an issue for those who want to take advantage of the health benefit of this plant but are not looking for the cbd high. It is important to point out that Marijuana is still illegal in most states. This is one of the reasons why people who are looking for the health benefits of CBD want to know whether this will cause them to experience a cbd oil high.


What is THC?

THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol and is the compound responsible for pscychoactive effects. THC is found in marijuana which, as we have learned above is a derivative of the Cannabis plant.  CBD, also known as Hemp contains little or no THC.  (There is no THC Oil in CBD oil.)

As a result, the answer to the question: “Does CBD get you high?” is NO.  No THC, no high.

Can HEMP get you high?

What is HEMP oil?

Hemp and marijuana are both cannabis but hemp is a compound which does not cause people to experience the type of “highs” commonly associated with marijuana. Hemp is not just sought after for it’s health benefits. Throughout history, this plant has been used for a variety of reasons. The fiber in hemp for example can be used to make paper, rope and even matierial material.

Does HEMP have THC?

A broad range of cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the intoxicating cannabinoid in marijuana are produced in the hemp plant. The crucial point to remember here is that the hemp plant does not produce enough THC to create intoxicating effects when consumed.

The good news is that while there is an insignifant amount of THC in HEMP, the plant retains the non-intoxicating and medicinally rich cannabidiol (CBD) in high concentrations. As a result, CBD produced from the hemp plant is rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of the therapeutic cannabinoid on the market today.

What is CBD oil good for?

What does CBD do?

Cannabidiol, or CBD is becoming a more and more popular remedy for those seeking a natural solution to help cure or alleviate many common aliments.

Because CBD is not psychoacive (see our “does CBD oil get you high” section above, it has becoming an appealing solution for those of us looking for relief from pain and other symptoms.

Here are the most common benefits of CBD oil:

  • Can Relieve Pain
  • Can Reduce Anxiety and Depression
  • May hep reduce symptoms related to cancer and side effects of cancer treatments like nausean, pain and vomiting.
  • May Reduce Acne
  • May Have Neuroprotective Properties
  • Could Benefit Heart Health

CBD Side Effects

CBD is typically well tolerated and considered safe.  However, there are cases where adversed reactions take place:

CBD side effects include:

  1. Change in appetite and weight
  2. Fatigue
  3. Diarrhea

More importantly, CBD is also know to interact with some medications.  It is therefore important you talk to your health professional before taking CBD or any type of supplements. As a general rule of thumb, you should exercise caution if you take any medication that comes with a grapefruit warning.

Growing Scientific Research for CBD Oil

Some people may argue that the evidence supporting claims that CBD is good for your healp is anectdotal, but the reality is that CBD oil is giving a lot of folks out there an opportunity to feel better. Of course there is always a need for more scientific studies into any healp supplement but existing research into cannabinoid’s many therapeutic applications does lead to more and more assertions as to its health benefits.

Disorders like Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy have been shown to react positively to CBD oil. In other words, those of with ailments are already benefiting from CBD oil. CBD has antipsychotic properties and can calm anxiety. It has also been used by many for quelling social anxiety, mild depression and even PTSD.

A 2016 research paper has established the potential of CBD Oil in myocarditis therapy. This potential lies in the fact that CBD oil is able to treat heart inflammation and it is a known hypothesis that it is inflamation that is the main culprit in local cells damages. The cannabinoid is known to have a great host of benefits for maintaining healthy heart health. It also reduces blood pressure and can help with hypertension.

Likewise, in an article in the New England Journal of Medicine the effects of CBD medication has on young adults with Dravet syndrome was postulated. Dravet syndrome is a rare form of epilepsy characterized by seizures of varying intensities. The study concluded that participants who got CBD oil experienced a drop in seizure frequency up to 38.9%.

CBD is just one of more than a hundred different types of cannabinoids which are molecules found in the cannabis plants. Unlike the cannabinoid THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC oil, which is psychoactive, CBD, by the vertue of it’s low to zero content of THC does no cause the high associated with marijuana.

The good news it that even though it lacks the THC content, CBD retains the healing properties of the cannabis plant and CBD oil reportedly lowers anxiety levels, reduces pain and inflammatory, treats some forms of seizures, and helps with other ailments.

For CBD to be legal, it has to contain a maximum of 0.3%. Extracted from industrial hemp, CBD is used as dietary supplements, edible gummies, tincture drops and pills. CBD is increasingly popular.

Industrial Hemp is not the only source of extraction for CBD. Indeed it is possible to use marijuana and extract CBD from it. It is important to remember that marijuana extracted CBD contains more THC. The increased level of THC of course means that CBD oil derived from marijuana have to potential to increase the likelyhood of feeling high. THC and CBD together are obvisouly a potent holistic medical marijuana experience, but may not be legal in all states. 

The Final Words

Really: Can you get high from CBD or CBD Oil or Not?

No you can’t! Unless you consume Full Spectrum CBD oil products which are the most healing CBD oils in terms of their ability to help with the treatment of various ailments. That is is because Full-Spectrum CBD oils are not completely void of THC.

If you want to be sure that the CBD oil you are about to take is as pure as possible, in other words contains no THC, then CBD isolate is an option for you.

Why the caveat? This lies in the legal requirements of CBD which I have touched on above.  For it to legal, CBD has to contain a maximum of 0.3% of THC. With a number so low, and given that such a low number makes the product legal, it is understandable that the anwer to the common question: “Does CBD oil get you high?” is no. 

THC is a powerful molecule and while 0.3% may sound insignificant, the weight of THC allowed in a ML of MCT oil (typical oil used) may be surprising. 1 ML of MCT oil weighs approximately 940–960mg.

For simplicity sake, let’s consider that products on the market from major brands that are true full spectrum often contain 500–2100mg CBD per 30ml. Given the ratio of THC:CBD what ends up happening is that you get about  .5mg per ml on the low end and upwards of 2.8mg THC per ml on the high end.

This is enought to affect very sensitive people as well as infrequent users. For that reason, and these particular users, it is important to start low. When people tell you that CBD doesn’t get you high, they simply omit to mention the concentration contained in some full-spectrum CBD oils.  By simply taking 1–2 ml of the true full spectrum brands one could experience feeling high.

The microdose that comes in the full spectrum oil may be extremely helpful for people dealing with various issues and if you use this product appropirately and keep in mind the THC:CBD ratio is perfectly true that you can take CBD oil without getting high.

As a general rule, given typical THC:CBD ratios, it is typically advised to not take more than 40mg CBD during the first doses as you begin experimenting with CBD. Keep in mind that taking between 60–100mg starts putting you towards the 3–5mg THC range where you should expect some slight-moderate THC effects.

Finally, if you take your first dose of CBD, become impatient that nothing is happening in terms of relief within a short period of time, say 15 minutes and keep dosing with Full Specturm Oil, you will be in for a surprise.

For more information:

  1. Best CBD Oils for Anxiety: read here
  2. Best CBD Oils for Pain: read here
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